Take a look at information and resources designed to support you!
Here at Legacy, we believe supporting parents in raising their child is critically important. Because of this, we have created a hub specifically for you!
Here, we have resources for parents with kids of all ages. These resources include parenting methods, devotionals, questions to ask your teens each week, books, and so much more!
In this six-week class that meets every other week, Sarah and Mike will lead a discussion about how to model living the fruit of the Spirit in parenting - in our daily lives that our children observe, as well as through how we interact with them. It will be discussion-based with direct ties to prayer and scripture. Feel free to bring lunch and stick it in the church fridge if you'd like! Kids are welcome to play games and stay with or near us. We will meet at church so super convenient!
Credentials: Sarah is a believer and a mom, as well as being a certified & accredited parenting coach and author. Mike is a long-time believer and a dad who "gets" the joys and challenges of parenting.
When: Every other Sunday from 11:45am-12:45pm,
Where: Legacy Church
Here are a few great tools to help you as you work with your kids! Peruse this section for resources on raising, disciplining, and spiritually guiding your young kids!
Here are a few great tools to help you as you work with your teens!
This Week:
Every movie has a director who helps shape the vision as it moves from words on a page to something we experience. This week, we'll hear the story of Moses after he came down the mountain after spending time hearing directly from God. This story teaches us how spending time with God can make us more like Jesus
Exodus 34: 29-31
29 When Moses came down from Mount Sinai, with uthe two tablets of the testimony in his hand as he came down from the mountain, Moses did not know that the skin of his face vshone because he had been talking with God.4 30 Aaron and all the people of Israel saw Moses, and behold, the skin of his face wshone, and they were afraid to come near him. 31 But Moses called to them, and Aaron and all the leaders of the congregation returned to him, and Moses talked with them.
Want some other resources? Take a look at our resources page for more generalized information for your whole family!